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Dogs in rheum

how to take good care of your dog's eyes

Topic: Veterinary


Approximate reading time:  6 minutes

Just as happens to people, dogs can have tear ducts, which are nothing more than secretions that solidify and accumulate in the tear duct area. These are composed of mucus, tears and other cells, and are absolutely normal in dogs, especially in the mornings, after sleeping for many hours, when the environment is dusty. They are also very common in puppies.

Looking for discharge in a dog

Who can resist the adorable gaze of their dog? The eyes of our furry friends are as expressive as they are loving, but sometimes, annoying eye lint appears in their tear ducts and sticks to their fur. Do you know why? If your dog has a lot of tear discharge when waking up or during the day, it is important that you clean the area well. These secretions are usually normal in most cases, but they could also be a symptom of an eye disease or injury. We explain how to distinguish the causes of eye discharge and how to take care of your dog's eye hygiene to avoid it.  

Index of contents

1-  How do i clean my dog's eyes-lashes?

2-  What causes eye discharge in dogs?

3-  Is my dog's eye lint dargerous?

How do i clean my dog's eye-lashes?

If you detect that your dog is suffering from eye discharge, it is necessary to clean their eyes carefully and thoroughly. If secretions appear from time to time, it will be enough to perform this eye hygiene routine 2 or 3 times a week, but if you see that your dog has a tendency to generate eye discharge, you should check and clean their eyes every day. The best time to clean your dog's eyes is in the morning, as this is when the most eye lint accumulates. We explain step by step how to do it so that the process is safe and comfortable for your pet.

Veterinarian cleaning a puppy's eyes
    • 1.Wash your hands. It seems obvious, but it is a step we cannot forget. Disinfect your hands thoroughly with soap and water for maximum hygiene during the process.
    • 2. Remove the hair. If your dog has long hair, you'll need to carefully brush the fur away from their eyes.
    • 3. Now that your dog's eyes are in clear view, take a close look to make sure they are in good condition, without redness, irritation or strange colouring.
    • 4. With a sterile gauze pad soaked in saline solution, carefully clear your dog's tear duct. It is important to use special lint-free gauze or wipes (cotton wool is not recommended) and to exert light pressure on the area before dragging, to moisten the tear duct and make it easy to remove without discomfort for your pet. Be careful to use a piece of gauze for each eye in case there is any type of infection in any of them: this way you will avoid spreading the infection.
    • 5. Some home remedies, such as chamomile or thyme left to cool, can help soothe your dog's irritated eyes for whatever reason, but it is best to check with your vet first. 
    • 6. Slide the gauze along the tear duct, but also around the eye, eyelid line and eyelashes for a thorough cleaning. 
    • 7. If your vet has prescribed any eye drops for your dog, you can apply them at this time, once the eye is thoroughly cleaned.
    • 8. To make this cleaning routine as pleasant as possible for your dog, make sure you always do it in the same place and, if possible, at the same time of day. This will help your dog to form a habit and they will be much more accepting of the situation, as they will understand that it is not a threat to them. 
    • 9. Create a calm atmosphere for this time, and make sure your dog is relaxed when you go to clean their eyes. Give them lots of strokes beforehand, so that they understands that they are safe and all is well, and afterwards, to reward them for good behaviour. 

What causes eye discharge in dogs?

There are several reasons for the appearance of eye discharge in dogs. In most cases it is completely normal, there is no need to worry. They can appear as a result of sleeping too much, from a dust particle or hair that has got into the eye, or for other benign reasons. With proper eye hygiene, they can be kept at bay without any further problems.

However, in other cases, the appearance of eye discharge may be due to injuries, infections, obstructions and other causes that we must attend to urgently. The colour and consistency of the eye discharge, as well as the symptoms that accompany it, will give us clues as to the eye problem that may be affecting our dog, but it is necessary to visit a veterinarian to receive a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Puppy's eyes with discharge already cleaned

White or black discharge. These are the least worrisome of the eye discharge. They are normal if they appear occasionally, after sleeping or in small dogs. They could also be due to allergic processes but, in this case, the discharge would be accompanied by other symptoms.

Yellow or greenish. This type of discharge indicates conjunctivitis, which may be viral or bacterial. It will be accompanied by pain and/or inflammation, and you may notice that your dog blinks too much. These eye infections can be transmitted from dog to dog and must be treated with antibiotics prescribed by the vet.

Browning. If your dog's eye discharge is brown and does not dry out, but is sticky, it could be due to reduced tear production.

¡Very runny, transparent tear ducts may be due to an allergy or an obstruction of the tear duct.

Other problems that could cause your dog to get a runny eye are trauma or injury. Perhaps they have unintentionally scratched themself while scratching or injured their eye on a branch. In any case, if you notice constant tearing and tearing of the eye and your dog closes their eye often, consult a veterinarian.

Is my dog's eye lint dargerous?

If you are concerned about the colour, appearance or frequency of your dog's tears it is best to seek professional advice. However, there are some warning signs that will indicate that you should definitely take your dog to the vet.

      • Recurrent tearing or watery eyes. If you wipe away your dog's tears in the morning and a few hours later they have it again, something is wrong. Consult your vet to determine the cause of the problem.
      • Swelling or itching. If your dog is scratching and you notice some swelling, don't wait for it to go away on its own. They probably need medication and it's best to treat the condition quickly to prevent further damage.
      • Marked blood vessels and red eyes. If you notice these signs in your dog's eyes, accompanied by eye discharge, consult your vet to have your pet's eye health checked as soon as possible.

Puppy lying on the ground

Dogs' eye discharge is common and, in many cases, is not a cause for concern. We recommend that you pay close attention to your dog's signs and don't fail to check their eyes regularly.  

There is no doubt that dogs have very expressive eyes with which they transmit all their love. Our AUSTRALIAN COBBERDOGs, in fact, have such an intense gaze that they almost, almost seem human. This is one of the strong points of this adorable breed, whose eyes are capable of bonding with humans in a very special way. 

To be able to continue to enjoy those special eyes and to keep them healthy, it is essential to maintain good hygiene, even if your dog does not usually have watery eyes.

And you, do you usually clean your dog's eyes? Now you know how to do it and how to detect cases where your pet's tearing is due to a bigger problem, so be sure to check your dog's eyes!