Home > Care and maintenance of an Australian Cobberdog > How to avoid hair knots

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Knots are not only uncomfortable for dogs but can cause skin problems, so it is necessary to prevent the appearance of knots and eliminate existing ones
beautiful woman holding a dog in her arms

The hair of the Australian Cobberdog

The Australian Cobberdog breed has long, high-volume hair that can be can be wavy or straight in the shape of a. Although this hair can be trimmed, short hair is discouraged in the Australian Cobberdog because the hair protects them from sunburn in summer and from cold in winter. Long hair, in addition to protecting them, gives it a majestic appearance and is a pleasure for our touch if it is well cared for.

As in any breed, long hair runs the risk of creating knots. Knots are uncomfortable for our dogs since they are a focus of dirt, it causes tightness in the skin and if they are not treated they can cause skin problems such as dermatitis, dandruff, suppurations, etc. So we must learn to detect and eliminate the knots of our dog.

The video that explains how to avoid and remove hair knots from the Australian Cobberdog

Dog grooming tools

Tools needed to avoid and remove knots

In the market we can find some tools such as knot cutters, rakes, or metal cards that ensure the elimination of knots. At DOGKING we advise against them as they are tools that can damage and even break the hair of the Australian Cobberdog. To prevent knots in the Australian Cobberdog we recommend only 2 tools:

  • A short, soft, fine-toothed brush to open the hair without scratching the dog's skin
  • A metallic comb to detect, after brushing, that we have not left any knots and, if any, we can eliminate it.
Dog being groomed

How to spot and remove knots in the Australian Cobberdog

Knots are detected during brushing, a task we do in maintaining the adult Australian Cobberdog. First we will brush with the wide-tooth brush and, once all the areas of the dog have been brushed, we will pass the metal comb with which we can check that there is no knot. If while we pass the brush or comb we see a knot, we will proceed to open it with our hands, without pulling it, so as not to damage the skin or hair of our dog. If the knot resists, we will introduce the tip of the comb at the root of the knot and pull outwards. Once the knot is undone, we will go over the metal comb again to ensure that the area is clean of knots.

The areas of greatest risk for the appearance of knots

There are areas of our dog that are more prone to the appearance of knots. We must look closely at the belly, armpits and face of the Australian Cobberdog because they are the most sensitive areas to knots

Belly area

The lower part of the dog, its belly, is very vulnerable to knots due to its almost constant exposure with the ground in the lying position or when the dog is playing. Being an area with little hair, the skin is more exposed, so we must brush and comb it with special care not to hurt it, but ensuring that we do not leave any knots.


In the armpits of the legs of the Australian Cobberdog many knots are usually made by the constant rubbing with the movement of the dog and, sometimes, by the added rubbing that the harness can cause (if it is wearing a harness and not a collar).

The face

Finally, we must pay close attention to our dog's face. Specifically, behind the ears, under the jaw and on his cheeks. They are areas that due to the rubbing of the collar, the movement of the ears and the exposure to water and food are usually easily knotted. The dog's face is the most difficult part of the body to brush, so we must do it very carefully, with patience and gently so as not to harm it while cleaning the area of ​​possible knots well.


Information and enquiries about the Australian Cobberdog
